Sunday night I took D our 5 year old son to ball practice. This was his first practice and was nothing short of comical. The kids couldn't throw which was good because neither could they catch. One little boy was told to put on his glove. He did he just put it on his head and played catch with his bare hand. I laughed because they are so small.
Tuesday night I took Bridgette our 10 year old to ball practice. At this stage of the game I really don't stick around much. By now Bridgette has played ball 6 years. Although I'm sure the first game will also be comical because they are doing kid pitch for the first time. Actually they were not so much comical as painful to watch. I realize there is a learning curve but that doesn't make it easier.
Wednesday night I took S our 6 year old daughter to ball practice. It was a similar practice to the one I witnessed Sunday night. Although even funnier is the realization when you say "first base" they have no idea where to go. Luckily we have an amazing coach that realized this may be important and had them running bases. Even on the T they weren't so sure of batting and they can't catch either. It doesn't really matter though because playing in the dirt is more fun!!
Thursday night I took Sydnie our 12 year old to her game. She is the only one already playing games. We won 15-5. It was a great game. Sydnie got to play 1st base for two innings and managed 4 outs during that time. She hit the ball, she ran, she was amazing.
As I look back over the last week of Softball and Baseball I realize what summer is truly about. It's not about the actual game of ball. It is about being with friends and family. It's about being outside and playing in the dirt. It's about having fun. It's about corn dogs and fries for dinner with a healthy dose of snacks and late nights. So bring on Softball, Baseball and most importantly bring on Summer!!
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