Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A week in the life....

If someone had told me 18 months ago how crazy my life would become I would have proclaimed them to be crazy. My life was full (just review my past blogs). Sydnie and Bridgette were busy with volleyball and choir. We had started piano and Sydnie was in band. We had Garden Club and Book Club and then mid-semester introduced Math Club. Fast forward 18 months...today we still have all the above going on but we have a lot more. We now have a 3 month old little girl how has stolen my heart. We have a 2 year old (almost 3) that we are working on termination and adoption who has also stolen my heart. We have a 5 and 6 year old sibling set that as adorable as they are continue working toward reintegration with their mom. These are all good things but keep me thinking... What a week in a life looked like then and now. Now my week is filled with Court, Visits, Preschool Assessments, Dr Appointments, Case Plans, Therapy, PMT, Overnights and the list goes on. I am kept on my toes and most weeks that week is planned by so many other people I don't have much say. In the end though; I wouldn't trade a week, a day or a moment for anything else. My heart soars with their highs and yes it dips with their lows. Last night I talked to G & B who were with us for a full year. The first words they said were "Mommy I love you!" Yeah I wouldn't trade this life for anything. Just check with me at 2:00 am when we are up snuggling. I love each and every one of you. Robby, Dennis, Baby Peanut, Sydnie, Bridgette, Sherrick, Ania, Garen, Brianne, Samantha, David, Mariah, Mya, and all my babies I haven't yet held. I pray the Lord keeps you safe until you are in my arms. Hugs from your Momma!!

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