Friday, July 30, 2010


Wow! I realized today that the last time I blogged was September of 2008. Almost 2 years ago! Holy Moly. When I blogged then it was that I wasn't making enough time for it and look what I did. I went 2 years. It amazes me when I look back at my old post. Something never change.

The things I wrote could still be true today. When it rains it still rains in my closet. Bridgette still thinks she is Tinker Bell. The girls are still scared of storms but love to play in the rain.

Then again some things are always changing. In the last year both my boys got married. Robby is now in Africa on deployment with the Kansas National Guard. Dennis is going through Marine bootcamp. I now have 2 daughter in laws. Although I do not allow them to call me their "Mother-In-Law". Somehow that makes me sound old (which I am not). My husband assured me on my birthday that even when I am old and wrinkly I will still be his 29 year old wife. Man do I love that man.

Here is a post to hoping I will be on here more often. If nothing else I can log on to follow Dawn & Spuds! hehe Life is good.

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