Tuesday, September 13, 2011


For anyone that wants to know I am 29. I was 29 last year also and 29 the year before that. My daughters know that I am 29 and every once in awhile they will try to trip me up and challenge me to my "real" age. I don't think they get it yet that I am 29. Enough said. I realize my children are aging. Robby is 22, Dennis will be 20 tomorrow, Sydnie is 10 and Bridgette is 8. Heck at their ages I was pretty proud to announce how old I was too. At my age I suffice to say I am 29.

Last night Tim questioned me regarding my age. This is a bit different. He is my most avid supporter to the age of 29. He loves being married to a younger women. He has informed the girls that even when my body has aged and I have white hair and possibly a few wrinkles I will still be 29. So yesterday as he turned 37 he questions me as to what happens when we have been married 29 years or 30 years?? First of all we have a ways to go before I truly have to answer this question. Secondly I am prepared for such question. When we have been married for 29 years people will have to realize that our love is so strong Tim knew it before I was born. So on that day he swooped into the hospital stole me and my heart and forged my signature on the marriage certificate.

It could happen you know!!

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